The Journey to NA43

I arrived as a wanderer seeking my place. In Secret Peak, I met Moks of the Gremory clan. Though our clans were at odds, we became friends.

I sought to join DTM, the great alliance that ruled over the valleys. But their clans were full and my Taoist was not yet strong enough. So I joined the Nagera clan and met Rodolfito, Alex9416, and Elgorditoh. Together we journeyed on expeditions and grew stronger.

But my desire to join DTM remained. So I left Nagera to join YouTubeBR, an alternate clan of DTM. In YouTubeBR, I focused on growing my mining alt Lancer so that he could enter the valleys and mine. But my Taoist did not grow as quickly and the leaders of YouTubeBR cast me out for not leveling fast enough.

Discouraged, I returned to Nagera. But Nagera was not as it was before. The leaders were troubled by inconsistent donations and then the lead changed hands. Eventually, the clan fell apart and its members went their separate ways.

After leaving Nagera, I joined the Barumbado clan. However, I found that their approach did not align with my values and I decided to leave. I then joined the CA clan. During my time there, I unlocked the Greater Healing Tier 8 skill (Resurrection) on my Taoist, my main character which was Level 81 at the time. Being one of only 2 Taoists in the entire NA43 who had this skill, was a great achievement. However, I experienced some interactions with DTMs that I found unpleasant. In an attempt to resolve the issue, I reached out to them on their discord and asked if they could stop. However, my actions were not approved by the leader of CA who removed me from the clan for negotiating with DTMs without their permission.

I joined the Samakianos clan, an alternate clan of DTM HISPA. The leader was Kundalini. And so my journey in NA43 continued.

In this world of Mir4, we are all travelers on our paths. We meet friends and foes along the way and face challenges and triumphs. But through it all, we must remain true to ourselves and our goals.

A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.

-Laozi in the Tao Te Ching

Let us embrace the journey and all that it has to offer.