How I Joined Sicarios

Hello, fellow travelers of Mir4. In my last blog post, I shared with you my journey to NA43, the server where I play as a Taoist named Laozi. I told you how I interacted with different players and clans, and how I achieved a rare skill. I also shared some of my philosophy inspired by the Tao Te Ching, a classic text attributed to Laozi, the ancient Chinese sage. Today, I want to continue my story and tell you what happened next. Since this is a new blog, I decided to make the first series of posts about my history and story so far, so that you can get to know me better and catch up with the present day. After that, I will focus on recent events and progress as they happen.

Joining Samakianos

So, I had just joined the Samakianos clan run by Kundalini. This clan was very nice to me and welcomed me warmly. They were an alternate clan for DTM HISPA, one of the strongest clans in NA43. They had a lot of active players who participated in expeditions, wars, and mining. They also had a friendly and supportive discord community where they shared tips and strategies.

I enjoyed being part of Samakianos and I learned a lot from them. However, I wasn’t there long. Something happened that changed my fate in Mir4. It had to do with my rare Taoist Resurrection skill, which I had unlocked a few days before joining Samakianos. This skill allowed me to revive fallen allies in battle, which was very useful in wars. I was one of only two people on the whole server with this skill, which made me stand out from other Taoists. Let me tell you how it happened.

Meeting Sicarios

One night, there was a fight going on between DTMs and RRGGs in the valley. The valley is a place where clans compete for resources and territory. It is also a place where alliances are formed and broken. Since Samakianos were an alternate clan for DTM HISPA, The Samaks would go support HISPAs in the Bicheon Valley Wars. Bicheon Valley is one of the four valleys in Mir4, along with Redmoon Valley, Snake Valley, and Phantasia Valley.

After the war was over, some DTM Sicarios were still fighting RRGGs in Redmoon Valley. Sicarios was another strong clan in NA43, and they were allies with DTMs. They had some of the highest-level players on the server and they were known for their aggressive and fearless style. I went to see if I could help with resurrections. I’m not sure who I resurrected first, but I think it was either Hiroshi or Renox, but after I resurrected them, the whole group of Sicarios surrounded me and started messaging me asking me to join them. Renox, specifically, was the only other Taoist on the server with the Resurrection skill but his level was 112. All these players were much higher level than me, I was level 83. Cooking, Renox, Hiroshi, and Braunny were the main players in Sicarios. They were very active on Discord which I liked, and Coroking, the leader spoke English too which is somewhat rare in Mir4.

Joining Sicarios

I was flattered by their invitation and decided to join them. It was a big decision for me because I had always wanted to join DTM but now I was leaving their alternate clan to join their ally clan. But I felt that Sicarios had more to offer me and that they appreciated my skill more. They also seemed more fun and adventurous than DTMs who were more strict and serious.

I joined Sicarios and they welcomed me with open arms. They gave me access to their discord server where they had a lot of channels for different topics. They also gave me tips on how to level up faster and how to improve my skills and equipment. They invited me to join their expeditions and wars where they showed me their tactics and strategies. They also helped me with mining in the valley where they protected me from enemies. They also gave me daily Worldboss loot from the Labyrinths and Valleys.

A New King

Little did I know that this decision would have a huge impact on my future in Mir4. Around the same time that I joined Sicarios, something big happened in NA43. Khalik, the king of NA43 and the leader of DTM Amazonia decided to move on to other games, and he transferred Bicheon Castle to Sicarios. Bicheon Castle is a special territory in Mir4 that gives the owner clan a lot of benefits and prestige. It also makes them the target of other clans who want to take it from them.

This meant that Coroking, the leader of Sicarios, became the new king of NA43. He was very happy and proud of this achievement, and he thanked all his clan members for their support and loyalty. He also granted me some Castle chests as prizes for fighting in the castle siege. He said that I was his friend and that he trusted me with his life. He also said that he had big plans for Sicarios and that we would make history in Mir4. He also helped me with millions of dark steel for crafting my epic armor.

The War Continues

However, not everyone was happy with this change of power. The RRGGs were still fighting against the DTMs and Sicarios in the valley. They had a strong alliance with Gremory, and they were determined to take over the valley and challenge the castle. They fought with skill and strategy, and they often outnumbered their opponents.

The war between Sicarios and RRGGs continued, but it was more intense and fierce than before. Every night, there were battles in the valley where both sides fought with everything they had. There were also daily raids for the Labyrinth and Valley World Bosses where they competed for loot and glory. The valley was a bloodbath where no one was safe.

I participated in these battles as much as I could, using my Resurrection skill to help my allies and annoy my enemies. I also leveled up faster than ever, reaching level 90 in a few weeks. I made a lot of friends in Sicarios who respected me and supported me. I also made a lot of enemies in RRGGs who hated me and targeted me. But I didn’t care, I was having fun and enjoying the thrill of war.

I also encountered some familiar faces in these battles. Some of the leaders of my old clan YouTubeBR had sold their clan and moved to another server, but they later returned to NA43 and joined RRGG. They recognized me as their former clanmate, but they did not show any mercy or friendship. They attacked me whenever they saw me, and they tried to lure me back to their side. But I refused to betray Sicarios, who had treated me better than YouTubeBR ever did.

I will continue my story from here in the next blog post.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”



Q: Why did you choose to play as a Taoist in Mir4?

  • A: I chose to play as a Taoist because I like their role as healers and supporters. I also like their philosophy of balance and harmony, which is inspired by the Tao Te Ching.
  • Q: How did you unlock the Resurrection skill on your Taoist?
  • A: I unlocked the Resurrection skill by doing clan expeditions which award the Epic Blue Dragon statues. I then exchanged 300 statues for an Epic Skill Tome coffer. The first attempt at this I got the Epic Expulsion Circle skill tome. The second time I did it I got the Epic Greater Heal tome, which unlocks the power of resurrection.
  • Q: What are the benefits of owning Bicheon Castle in Mir4?
  • A: Owning Bicheon Castle gives the owner clan a lot of benefits, such as being able to grant castle chest prizes, assign Buff and Debuff titles, and assign cabinet members like Prime Minister, Marshall, Grand General, Chancellor, and Royal Advisor. The castle also gets a percentage of dark steel tax from all valleys, and all the Gold Tax from sales in the market. It also gives them prestige and influence over the whole server.
  • Q: What are the challenges of being in a war with other clans in Mir4?
  • A: Being in a war with other clans in Mir4 is very challenging because it requires a lot of coordination, strategy, and teamwork. It also involves a lot of risks, such as losing resources, equipment, and reputation. It also requires a lot of time and dedication, as the war can last for weeks or months.