My Journey in the SD Clan: A Tale of Frustrations and Seeking Change

Exploring the Consequences of Poor Resource Distribution and Leadership Choices

I realize this post is out-of-order chronologically with the rest of the history I am writing, however, I felt it was important to share this in a timely manner to clear up any doubts about what’s currently happening.

For the past six months, I have been a part of the SD Clan, a Mir4 clan I joined after leaving DTM due to dissatisfaction with its leadership. Unfortunately, my time with SD has also been filled with frustrations, particularly regarding the organization and fair resource distribution.

Initially, I patiently waited for opportunities to participate in WorldBosses, only to learn that these battles were reserved exclusively for the war team. When I inquired about joining the war team, I discovered that the selection process had no set criteria and was based solely on personal choice. This left me disheartened, especially considering the immense potential for all clan members to benefit from the abundance of weekly chest drops. Things got worse when they explained that they are seeking to reduce the number of people on WB from 15 to 10. So basically in a clan of 100 players, 10 will get 300+ chests per week and 11-300 will get nothing.

My hopes further diminished when I sought access to the secret peak schedule, only to be told to wait even longer. Eventually, I was granted a time slot at 4 AM, far from ideal for me, but still, I had yet to experience the thrill of participating in a WorldBoss fight.

However, the breaking point came during a recent battle on NA31. As we fought valiantly and successfully claimed victory in all three valleys, it became apparent that confident leaders prioritized personal gain over the welfare of the clan. They prohibited anyone other than themselves from taking chests, a decision that not only defied combat strategy but also bred resentment among the members who fought tirelessly to protect them.

This clash of core values and conflicting opinions on resource distribution and diplomacy ultimately compelled me to leave the SD Clan. Seeking refuge in my neutral clan, 老子家, I had planned to observe the ongoing war between SD and DTM from a distance. Little did I know that this decision would lead to a disturbing encounter.

While peacefully mining, I found myself unexpectedly attacked by an alt from the Venezuala30 clan. In self-defense, I retaliated, but to my dismay, several SD Matarindo members joined in and mercilessly killed me. This unjust aggression shook me to the core, primarily since my clan and I had always maintained an unattackable status with SD, offering mutual respect and protection.

Desperate for a peaceful resolution, I approached a leader within the clan, requesting that my clan be reinstated as unattackable. Regrettably, my plea fell on deaf ears, and any proposition for a non-aggression pact was rejected. Frustrated and feeling labeled as an enemy, I decided to reciprocate the aggression. I took up arms against SD, legally eliminating as many of its members as possible.

Amid this turmoil, the leaders of the DTM Clan reached out, inviting me to join their ranks. Despite having previously left DTM due to reservations about their resource distribution, I considered their proposal, as long as they could provide assurances regarding the future if the server were successfully won. Unfortunately, they couldn’t make any promises, leading me to decline their offer.

In an unexpected turn of events, I realized that due to the ongoing war between SD and DTM, few SD members were utilizing the PvP areas. Capitalizing on this opportunity, I sought permission to join DTM PsyDucks temporarily, enabling me to take down SD members until the war expires. As of now, I have already eliminated 53 SD members in just a few hours.

My objective is twofold. Firstly, I aim to provide feedback to the SD leaders, underscoring the ramifications of their decision-making and its impact on member satisfaction and clan unity. Secondly, I hope my actions shed light on the need for fair resource distribution and diplomatic decision-making within the Mir4 community.

To my friends within SD, I apologize if our paths cross in the heat of battle. Rest assured, my actions are driven solely by the desire to effect positive change. Thank you for taking the time to read my story, and I will return shortly to continue documenting the history of NA43.

“When the best leader’s work is done, the people say, ‘We did it ourselves.'”
— Laozi