
How I Joined Sicarios

Hello, fellow travelers of Mir4. In my last blog post, I shared with you my journey to NA43, the server where I play as a Taoist named Laozi. I told you how I interacted with different players and clans, and how I achieved a rare skill. I also shared some of my philosophy inspired by How I Joined Sicarios

The Journey to NA43

I arrived as a wanderer seeking my place. In Secret Peak, I met Moks of the Gremory clan. Though our clans were at odds, we became friends. I sought to join DTM, the great alliance that ruled over the valleys. But their clans were full and my Taoist was not yet strong enough. So I The Journey to NA43

The Real Laozi

Laozi is one of the most influential and enigmatic figures in Chinese history and philosophy. He wrote the Tao Te Ching, the book of the Way and its Power. But who is he? When and where did he live? What did he teach? And how did he become a god? In this blog post, I The Real Laozi

The Way of the Universe

I know all things and see all things. I dwell in harmony and balance. I marvel at the wonders of creation. I love all beings and show them kindness. I follow the natural order and reason. I embrace all things as they are, without naming or resisting. I welcome all experiences as they come, without The Way of the Universe