How to Negotiate with Other Clans

Negotiation is a key skill for resolving conflicts between clans in online games. It can help avoid violence and hostility and foster trust and cooperation. However, many leaders lack the patience and diplomacy to negotiate effectively. This blog post offers some tips on how to negotiate with other clans and why it matters for leaders.



In online games, conflicts between different clans or groups of players are common and inevitable. However, how these conflicts are handled can make a big difference in the outcome and the impact on the players involved. Negotiation is one of the online games’ most influential and constructive ways of resolving conflicts. It involves communicating with the other clan and finding a mutually acceptable solution that satisfies both parties needs and interests. Negotiation can help prevent or reduce violence, hostility, and resentment among players/clans. It can also help build trust, respect, and cooperation among players/clans. However, negotiation is not always easy. It requires skills, patience, and willingness to listen and compromise. Unfortunately, many leaders in online games lose sight of the value of diplomacy and don’t have the patience to talk through difficult situations. They may resort to aggression, intimidation, or avoidance instead of negotiation. This can lead to more problems and conflicts in the future and damage their reputation and relationships within the game community. In this blog post, I will share some tips on negotiating with other clans in online games and why leaders need to do so.

Use Negotiation First

    Negotiation should be the first approach to conflict resolution. Rather than jumping into a fight or a war, try to talk to the other clan and understand their point of view. You may find that you have more in common than you think, or that there is a misunderstanding that can be easily cleared up. Negotiation can help you find a peaceful and mutually beneficial solution that satisfies both parties.

    Use a Mediator

    A mediator or neutral third party can help facilitate the conversation and find a resolution without escalating conflict. If you and the other clan are having trouble communicating or reaching an agreement, you may want to enlist the help of a mediator or a neutral third party. This can be someone from another clan, a game moderator, or an online dispute resolution service. A mediator can help you clarify your goals and interests, identify common ground, and generate creative options for resolving the conflict.

    Weigh the potential consequences and consider the long-term effects of either decision. Before you make any decision or take any action, think about how it will affect you and the other clan in the short and long term. Will it improve or worsen your relationship? Will it enhance or damage your reputation within the game community? Will it create more problems or opportunities for cooperation? Will it align with your values and principles? Try to anticipate the possible outcomes and weigh the pros and cons of each option.

    Understand Your Enemy

    Gather as much information as possible about the opposing clan’s motives and goals. One of the key factors in a successful negotiation is understanding the other party’s perspective and interests. Try to learn as much as you can about why they conflict with you, what they want to achieve, and what they are willing to give up or compromise on. This can help you find areas of agreement or mutual benefit, as well as avoid making assumptions or misinterpreting their actions.

    Seek Advice

    Seeking advice from experienced players or moderators can provide insight and perspective on how to effectively handle the conflict. If you are new to the game or unsure how to deal with a certain situation, you may want to consult with someone who has more experience or knowledge about the game’s rules, culture, and norms. They may be able to offer you some tips, suggestions, or best practices on how to negotiate with other clans in online games. They may also be able to warn you about potential pitfalls or challenges that you may encounter along the way.

    Beware of Emotions

    Emotions can run high in conflicts, especially within the context of competitive games. It may be helpful to take a step back and approach the situation from a more objective perspective. Try not to let your emotions cloud your judgment or interfere with your communication. Avoid using inflammatory language, personal attacks, or threats that may escalate the conflict or damage your credibility. Instead, use respectful and constructive language that expresses your feelings and needs without blaming or accusing the other clan.

    Maintain Open Communications

    Maintain open communication with the opposing clan in a respectful and non-confrontational manner to find ways of de-escalating the conflict. Communication is essential for any negotiation process. It allows you to exchange information, clarify misunderstandings, build rapport, and explore options for resolution. Try to maintain regular contact with the other clan through chat messages, voice calls, or video calls. Use respectful and constructive language that expresses your feelings and needs without blaming or accusing the other clan. Avoid using inflammatory language, personal attacks, or threats that may escalate the conflict or damage your credibility. Instead, use “I” statements, active listening, and positive feedback to communicate effectively with the other clan.


    Collaboration can be a possible solution, but it’s important to approach it with caution and establish clear guidelines and boundaries. Sometimes, the best way to resolve a conflict is to work together with the other clan on a common goal or project. This can help you build trust, mutual respect, and understanding. However, collaboration can also pose some risks, such as losing your identity, autonomy, or resources. Therefore, it’s important to approach collaboration with caution and establish clear guidelines and boundaries for any collaborative effort. Make sure that both clans are benefiting equally from the collaboration and that there is no exploitation or coercion involved.

    Consider the Consequences

    Consider the potential consequences of either decision, including the impact on one’s reputation within the game community. Your reputation within the game community can have a significant impact on your gaming experience and opportunities. It can affect how other players perceive you, interact with you, and cooperate with you. Therefore, it’s important to consider how your decisions and actions in resolving conflicts with other clans will affect your reputation. Will they enhance or damage your credibility, trustworthiness, and respectability? Will they make you more or less attractive as a potential ally or partner? Will they increase or decrease your chances of success or enjoyment in the game?

    Equal Benefits

    Ensure that both clans are benefiting equally from any collaborative effort. One of the key principles of negotiation is fairness. Both parties should feel that they are getting something of value from the negotiation process and outcome. If one clan feels that they are getting more than the other clan, it may feel satisfied and happy. However, if one clan feels that they are getting less than the other clan, they may feel resentful and unhappy. This can lead to dissatisfaction, distrust, or even revenge. Therefore, it’s important to ensure that both clans are benefiting equally from any collaborative effort and that there is no imbalance of power or resources.

    Find a Compromise

    Finding a compromise that addresses the concerns of both clans can help build a more positive relationship between the two clans and prevent further conflict. Sometimes, the best way to resolve a conflict is to find a middle ground that satisfies both parties needs and interests. A compromise can help you avoid a win-lose situation where one clan gains at the expense of the other clan. Instead, it can create a win-win situation where both clans gain something from the resolution. A compromise can also help you build a more positive relationship between the two clans and prevent further conflict by showing respect, goodwill, and cooperation.

    Maintain Your Principles

    It’s important not to sacrifice one’s principles for the sake of avoiding conflict or pleasing the other clan. While negotiation and compromise can be effective ways of resolving conflicts, they should not come at the cost of one’s principles or values. You should not agree to something that goes against your moral or ethical standards or that violates the game rules or norms. Doing so can harm your integrity, self-respect, and reputation. It can also create more problems in the future by setting a precedent for others to take advantage of you or by creating resentment or guilt within yourself.

    Be a Listener

    Approach conflict resolution with an open mind and willingness to listen. One of the most important skills for negotiation is listening. Listening can help you understand the other clan’s perspective and interests better. It can also help you show empathy, respect, and curiosity. Listening can also help you avoid misunderstandings, assumptions, or biases that may hinder your communication or resolution process. Therefore, it’s important to approach conflict resolution with an open mind and willingness to listen to what the other clan has to say without interrupting, judging, or dismissing them. Try to ask open-ended questions, paraphrase what they say, and acknowledge their feelings and concerns. This can help you build trust and rapport with the other clan and facilitate a constructive dialogue.

    Develop Contingency Plans

    Developing contingency plans can help prevent impulsive reactions if negotiations fail or conflict escalates beyond repair. Sometimes, despite your best efforts, negotiations may fail or conflict may escalate beyond repair. In such cases, you may need to resort to other strategies or actions to protect yourself or your clan. Therefore, it’s wise to have some contingency plans in place in case things go wrong. For example, you may want to have backup resources, allies, or escape routes in case of a war or a cyberattack. You may also want to have alternative goals or options in case of a stalemate or a deadlock. Having contingency plans can help you prevent impulsive reactions that may worsen the situation or harm your interests.

    Change the Rules

    Changing game rules or mechanics that may have contributed to the conflict can help prevent similar conflicts from arising in the future and create a more equitable playing field for all players/clans involved. Sometimes, the root cause of a conflict may lie in the game rules or mechanics that create unfair or unequal conditions for different players/clans. For example, there may be a lack of transparency, accountability, or feedback mechanisms in the game system. There may also be a lack of diversity, inclusion, or representation in the game design or content. These factors can create frustration, resentment, or discrimination among players/clans and lead to conflicts. Therefore, changing game rules or mechanics that may have contributed to the conflict can help prevent similar conflicts from arising in the future and create a more equitable playing field for all players/clans involved. This can be done by contacting the game developers or publishers and providing constructive feedback or suggestions on how to improve the game system or features.

    Take a Break

    Taking a break or stepping away from the situation when emotions are high can help prevent impulsiveness and allow for clearer thinking when returning to negotiations or discussions. Conflicts can be emotionally draining and stressful. They can also trigger strong emotions such as anger, fear, or sadness. These emotions can affect your judgment, reasoning, and communication skills. They can also make you more prone to making rash decisions or actions that may harm your interests or escalate the conflict. Therefore, taking a break or stepping away from the situation when emotions are high can help you calm down and regain your composure. It can also help you reflect on the situation and your goals and prepare for the next steps. Taking a break or stepping away from the situation can also show respect and courtesy to the other clan by giving them time and space to process their emotions and thoughts as well.

    Involving Everyone

    Involving all players in the discussion of game mechanics that could help resolve conflict can lead to a more inclusive and effective solution that benefits everyone involved. One of the ways to change game rules or mechanics that may have contributed to the conflict is to involve all players in the discussion of game mechanics that could help resolve conflict. This can help create a more inclusive and democratic process that respects and values everyone’s opinions and perspectives. It can also help generate more creative and diverse ideas and solutions that address everyone’s needs and interests. Involving all players in the discussion of game mechanics that could help resolve conflict can also foster a sense of ownership and responsibility among players/clans and encourage them to cooperate and collaborate more effectively.

    Periodic Check-ins

    Conflict resolution is an ongoing process that requires periodic check-ins and communication. Resolving conflicts with other clans in online games is not a one-time event. It is an ongoing process that requires periodic check-ins and communication to ensure that the resolution is working well for both parties and that there are no unresolved issues or new problems arising. Periodic check-ins and communication can help you monitor the progress and outcomes of the resolution process and make adjustments if needed. They can also help you maintain a positive relationship with the other clan and build trust and harmony among players/clans.

    Power Dynamics

    Power dynamics should be considered when resolving conflicts, and clear guidelines and boundaries should be established for any collaborative effort. Conflicts between clans in online games can involve different levels of power and influence among players/clans. For example, some clans may have more resources, members, or reputations than others. Some clans may also have more authority, control, or influence over the game system or community than others. These power dynamics can affect the negotiation and resolution process and outcome. They can also create challenges or opportunities for collaboration or cooperation. Therefore, power dynamics should be considered when resolving conflicts, and clear guidelines and boundaries should be established for any collaborative effort. For example, you may want to ensure that both clans have equal voice and representation in the negotiation or collaboration process. You may also want to ensure that both clans respect each other’s autonomy and sovereignty and do not abuse their power or influence over the other clan.

    Cultural Differences

    Cultural differences and nuances can impact the conflict resolution process, so it’s important to be aware of and respect these differences in finding a solution. Online games can attract players from different countries, cultures, and backgrounds. These players may have different values, beliefs, norms, and expectations that influence their behavior and communication in the game. These cultural differences and nuances can impact the conflict resolution process, as they may create misunderstandings, misinterpretations, or conflicts of interest among players/clans. Therefore, it’s important to be aware of and respect these differences in finding a solution. For example, you may want to learn about the other clan’s culture and customs and avoid making assumptions or judgments based on your own culture. You may also want to use culturally appropriate language and gestures and avoid using offensive or insensitive words or actions that may offend or hurt the other clan.

    Restorative Justice

    Restorative justice practices can be a more transformative process that addresses underlying issues rather than just resolving the immediate conflict. Restorative justice is an approach to conflict resolution that focuses on repairing the harm caused by the conflict rather than punishing or blaming the parties involved. It involves bringing together the parties affected by the conflict in a dialogue that allows them to share their feelings, needs, and perspectives; acknowledge their roles and responsibilities; and agree on actions to repair the harm and prevent future conflicts. Restorative justice practices can be a more transformative process that addresses underlying issues rather than just resolving the immediate conflict. For example, restorative justice practices can help you identify and address the root causes of the conflict, such as injustice, inequality, or oppression. They can also help you heal the emotional wounds and trauma caused by the conflict and restore trust and harmony among players/clans.

    Outside Assistance

    Bringing in outside assistance should not be the first step or only option for conflict resolution. It should be done with caution and careful consideration. Sometimes, you may need to bring in outside assistance to help you resolve a conflict with another clan in online games. This can be someone from another clan, a game moderator, an online dispute resolution service, or a legal or law enforcement agency. However, bringing in outside assistance should not be the first step or only option for conflict resolution. It should be done with caution and careful consideration. For example, you may want to consider the potential benefits and risks of involving a third party in your conflict. You may also want to consider the possible consequences and implications of involving a third party in your conflict. For instance, bringing in outside assistance may help you resolve the conflict faster or more effectively, but it may also damage your relationship with the other clan or affect your reputation within the game community. It may also create a dependency or reliance on external sources rather than developing your skills and abilities to resolve conflicts.


    Conflict is inevitable in online games, especially when different clans compete against each other. However, conflict does not have to be destructive or violent. It can be an opportunity for learning, growth, and cooperation. By following these tips on how to negotiate with other clans in online games, you can avoid or resolve conflicts peacefully and constructively which benefits both parties and enhances your gaming experience.

    Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it.
