The Bank and DTM: Two Sides of the Same Coin

When I first entered the world of Mir4, I joined a clan called The Cult. They were like-minded seekers of the Dao, who taught me many things about the game and its mysteries. But soon, the founders of The Cult left the game, and I was left without a clan. I wandered in the world, looking for a new home.

I heard of a clan called The Bank, who ruled over NA22 with great power and wealth. They had many sub-clans, such as DragonsNest and Dragon Kush, where they trained their recruits. I joined Dragon Kush, hoping to join The Bank someday. I was happy there, for they were friendly and cooperative. They had a well-organized system of communication and coordination, using various tools and bots. They also had no enemies on the server, only some minor annoyances.

I grew my character from level 40 to 50 and then moved to DragonsNest. I also created two more characters, an Arbalist, and a Lancer, to help me with mining and gathering. I enjoyed playing with all three characters, for they complemented each other well.

But not everything was perfect in The Bank. I had a conflict with another member, who was racist against white people like me. I reported him to the clan leadership, but they did not take any action. They said that racism against white people does not exist and that only white people can be racist. I disagreed with their response. I felt that they did not respect the Dao or me.

Around that time, I had secret talks with KTDragon, the leader of DragonsNest. He told me about a regional alliance of clans called DTM (Don’t Touch Me), which was conquering many servers. He said that he wanted to join DTM and overthrow The Bank from NA22. He asked me if I was interested in joining him. I agreed for I thought this would be more fun and fair than staying under The Bank’s rule.

We planned for several weeks to execute our plan. We recruited some other members from Dragon Kush and Bank V to join us. We waited for the right moment to strike. But then something unexpected happened. DTM contacted The Bank directly and offered to join their alliance and keep NA22 without a fight. The Bank accepted their offer, without consulting us or telling us anything.

I was surprised by this turn of events. I felt that The Bank had made a different choice than we expected. I also felt that DTM had made a different choice than we expected. I did not want to stay in NA22 anymore.

So I decided to leave The Bank and NA22 and move to NA43 with DTM. There they were fighting against another clan called RRGG, who refused to join DTM. I thought that this would be more exciting and challenging than staying in NA22. This was the end of that chapter of my Mir4 life.